John Bonnard, Businessman, cat lover and animal shelter rescuer.

Happy Yappers, an Animal Shelter, South Africa“These cats were diagnosed FeLV+ and FIV+ on different dates between about one and three years ago.  To prevent other cats in the sanctuary from being infected, the FeLV+ cats were immediately taken out of enclosure and brought down to live in my office and in my house where all my own cats have been vaccinated against the virus.  As I said, they have now been on RetroMAD1TM for 10 months, before that, some of them were on an immune booster called Birm – a plant extract that comes from Ecuador.  I was told about Birm by a young lady living in Ecuador in early 2017 – she has been giving it to her cat which survives to this day in reasonably good health.  I discontinued Birm both because I was having problems obtaining it, but also because one of the cats on it suddenly deteriorated and dies, although I have an idea that he may have been suffering from something else in addition to FeLV.  I tried everything to save him, including a blood transfusion, but it was all in vain.  Mark was such a special Boy – our vet Adele said that he was the sweetest and most gentle cat that she ever had in her hospital.The fact that all the above cats are alive, eating well (except for Bobby, which is understandable in view of his deficient kidneys) and enjoying life shows that RetroMAD1TM is highly effective.”

FIV Therapy Group

USA“Several members of the group are currently using RetroMAD1TM, a new antiviral drug, on their FIV+ or FeLV+ cats.  A couple of months ago, Zebib forward a copy of the first scientific study on RetroMAD1TM-treated FeLV+ cats.  Joel has recently published in his fivtherapy website a beautiful review of this paper: wrote: “The design of and reportage on the study are more satisfactory than not, and the reported results were hearteningly positive.” And he concluded: “Ay any rate, owners with feline leukemic cats should take note and file these results away for future decisions.  Owners of cats with FIV would be justified in thinking that this study has provided them with valuable information as well.”

Dana R., Owner

Ralphie’s Retreat, Maine, USA“RetroMAD1TM is what has helped my FIV/FeLV+ male cat keep going. He was at the shelter for 2 years and was exposed to 7 or 8 cats with FeLV then. He now eats well and has a good energy level.”

James S., Owner of a female cat suffering from FeLV & FIV

USA “RetroMAD1TM works on even the most extreme cases that veterinarians would deem hopeless. There is no doubt in my mind after reading all the blood work results and witnessing the amazing physical transformation in my cat’s health, RetroMAD1TM is the safest, most effective treatment for retroviruses currently available anywhere in the world.”

Eva C., Owner of a female cat suffering from FIV

Spain “There is clear improvement across the board when compared to her last test. Ronya is much more active, her anemia has ceased as far as we can tell, her appearance is much improved. We are extremely grateful that RetroMAD1TM was available because we are sure that it has been responsible for improving her situation.”

Brandy N., Owner of a male cat suffering from FHV

USA  “My cat Gus has a great appetite and has gained 4lbs, the coat is shiny and healthy. He has the energy and loves to play now. He had Uveitis when I found him and was prescribed prednisolone. The medication had no effect until I started RetroMAD1TM. Gus’ eyes are now clear with no edema!”

Mimi L., Owner of a female cat suffering from FIV,

Denmark (Jul 2020) “I just had my cat, Hope, tested and am forwarding the results to you. I’ve included the viral load from 2018 as well for comparing. Over all everything looks good. In June 2017, the FIV viral load in her blood was high at 147,000 unit. In July 2020 [after 90 days of using RetroMAD1 daily as prescribed], the FIV viral load in her blood has dropped 100 times to 6,510 units.”

Dr Alina M., Veterinarian

Romania (Sep 2020) “I had a lot of good results with retromad in cat FIV treatment… Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from you!”

Amalina A., Owner of a male cat suffering from FIP

Malaysia (Aug 2020) “He is getting so much better and since last week I let him play & eat with other cats and I can see he has so much appetite. Not sure if I made the right decision by letting him play with other cats but I think he is much better in appetite compared to putting him in one room alone. He keeps moving around the house. So much better.”

Philip M., Owner of a female cat suffering from FIP

USA (Sep 2020) “Extremely pleased with the early results on 2 of my 11 cats I’m using RetroMAD1 on.  A rescue I volunteer for just had a 2-year old cat just diagnosed with FIP.  I’ve started that cat on RetroMAD1. As I mentioned in my email last week, I started treating a rescued cat with RetroMAD1 for FIP. He was 3.3kg and has been getting 1ml, three times a day, for the last 8 days. Weight gain to 3.6kg, eating great, has good bladder and bowel movements, and has been active for the last 5 days.”

Ms Madalina B., Owner of cat rescue-shelter

Romania (Aug 2020) “…I believe in your product. I think for example that parvo virus which cause panleukopenia [in cats] made same mutations in the last 2 years. This year all 24 kittens rescued from the street was sick with panleukopenia, despite the fact that they were vaccinated with 1 or 2 vaccines. 6 of the kittens died at the vet despite the fact that they received all necessary treatments. After this I’ve received from a friend half of the bottle of RetroMAD1 and all remaining 18 kittens was cured, only 3 need perfusions at vet with vitamins and antibiotics. I really believe in your product.”

Patrizia S., Owner of a male cat suffering from FeLV

Canada “Dear RetroMAD1. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions. Your patience and comprehension are much appreciated. I will plan attentively when to start the treatment as Ulysse has to have a blood test after 20 days which is Holiday time, etc. and I have to order more RetroMAD1. I should sort this out this week. Congratulations about the publication approval of RetroMAD1 for the treatment of FeLV in a science journal! From my side of caregiver, I just thank you for trying and giving us hope.”

Ms. Petra H., Owner of male cat suffering from FeLV

Japan “Vince’s condition is great! He doesn’t seem to have any issues! Unfortunately, my vet is not very knowledgeable on FeLV, I guess. He doesn’t really understand what’s the importance of viral load and staging a cat progressive or regressive based on that. I showed him the IDEXX staging before, however I am not really sure if he understood it. But I guess now, after two PCR tests he can understand the difference and how this medicine works. Either way I am just happy he is dealing with a FeLV cat, because most vets wouldn’t even see one in their practices and they mostly think they need to be euthanized, even though there is hope still. Vince was born to a FeLV positive mother and he will be 4 years old in July, so I think there are definitely some things we can do to give them the best life possible! Thank you very much for all that you have done for us in the last 3 months, I am really grateful for having had the chance to try this medicine, and I will surely be using it again whenever it’s needed. If you want, I can always update you with blood works and future PCR tests. I wanted to attach some pictures of my small boy. I am sure he is very thankful as well.”

Francesca G. Owner of a male cat suffering from FeLV

Italy “Thank you so much for your concern and for the info about the FIP treatment. The one I’ve treated in October [2020] is fine, happy and full of energy thanks to Retromad1 and you!”

Mr. Dexter Lum, Owner of male cat suffering from FeLV, USA

(as posted in the Facebook group “Owners of FeLV+/FIV+ cats”) “Hi all, just a update of Zorro who was diagnosed with FeLV, ascites, anemia, and acute kidney disease back last August. Zorro has gone through a lot including a blood transfusion back last August and about 4 monthly drainings of his belly due to ascites. His last one was back in February and with the help of RetroMad1 and Polyprenyl Immustimulant he has recovered very well since the start of late September 3 doses a day and til about February he was slowly tapered off it, and only receives 1 dose of each once a week, with a B12 shot once every 14 days. His HCT levels were at 17.5 back in September and has slowly climbed up to now 44 back on his last checkup back in April. All his bloodwork and chemistry panel has stabilized with the help of RM1 and Polyprenyl Immustimulant, which has fought off the disease and boosted his immune system respectively. I am extremely grateful to these companies who have given Zorro another chance at living a healthy life. Zorro is scheduled for another appointment in late August for a RT PCR for FeLV test and his regular bloodwork and chemistry panel. Hopefully I will be able stop his meds, as he’s been consistently happy and healthy the last 8 months. If you are interested in RM1 and Pl, you can do a search on my previous posts to find more info on what I did. Hope this helps with anyone who is feeling despair with their fur babies.”

Dr Tomoki Chimura

Japan Animal Hospital, canine parvovirus (CPV2) infection in puppies“The RetroMAD1 really worked for our patients who were infected by [canine] parvovirus and some of them got totally cured with it. We really appreciate it. We are considering using the product continuously as there are many cases of parvovirus induction here in Cambodia.”

Dr Emilia Dima

Animax Ultravet Clinique, canine parvovirus (CPV2) infection in a puppy “The puppy was brought to the clinic with a case of severe vomiting and diarrhoea. The puppy was not vaccinated against canine parvovirus; the signalment and clinical signs were typical of canine parvovirus infection. Unfortunately, the puppy was brought to our clinic in a bad state. Its immunity and platelet count were low due to a recent prior poisoning. Given his small size and weakened state, the prognosis was extremely guarded even under standard palliative therapy. We initiated palliative therapy together with the administration of RetroMAD1. Given the constant vomiting, we decided to administer RetroMAD1 at 2mg/kg via subcutaneous route, t.i.d. The puppy survived and started to eat, and the vomiting and diarrhoea stopped after the 3rd day of treatment with RetroMAD1.”